Thanks to membership in European Union Polish people are able to travel whole around the Europe without any borders, even passport isn’t necessary anymore. Also, because of opened borders many od cheap airline companies opened their connections in our country. If you are planning vacations in Europe by plane, you should know about several regulations.
Buy the cheapest flight
If we are using offers of smaller carriers we need to remember, that prices for their flights are very variable. For the same journey you may pay two times less or more, only by booking flight sooner or later. That is why if you like to travel across Europe by plane you need to start organization earlier. Carriers like that are introducing new flights six month ahead, and this moment is perfect for purchase. Cause at the beginning carriers like to tempt potential passengers with attractive prices. Also if you are not afraid of risk, you may seek for the last minute offers. However it is not guaranteed that each destination will be available.
Some people sometimes have a problem with remembering members of European Union. For example Norway and Switzerland aren’t one, however we can enter each without passport. It is all because both countries are inside the Schengen zone, the same is with Iceland. Really strange situation we will find also in Georgia. This beautiful country isn’t in Schengen or EU, but to be more open for a travelers, they are not requires passport from members of European Union. That is why you can also buy cheaper flights to Batumi or Tbilisi, cause formalities are lower and cheap, airline companies are cooperating with Georgia.
Convenient airports
When we are thinking about trip across the Europe by plane, we need to know which destinations are the most available. For example one of the cheapest connections right now are those to Paris. It is very popular metropolis, so takers are plenty. However to get from the airport to the city center we need to pay 15 Euros for a bus ticket and spend inside about 1 and a half hour. Really nice airport is available in Athens. You can travel there directly from the city center by subway, journey will last for about 40 minutes. If you are planning trip to Barcelona you can choose among two different airports, depending on carrier. One is Girona, situated 2 hours from the city, but near to the beach. Second is El Prat, a lot closer, only 30 minutes from the suburbia of the metropolis.